This is a quick mod of BackLinks to do the job recursively. If your site is categorized correctly, and all the categories are listed in CategoryCategory, then a RecBackLinks there will produce a contents page for the entire site.
The list is as deep as the recursion level.
<?plugin SiteMap direction=back|forward reclimit=4 ?>
- direction
- Get BackLinks or forward links (links listed on the page)
- firstreversed
- If true, get BackLinks for the first page and forward links for the rest. Only applicable when direction = 'forward'.
- excludeunknown
- If true (default) then exclude any mentioned pages which don't exist yet. Only applicable when direction = 'forward'.
- exclude
- Default: ''
- include_self
- Default: 0
- noheader
- Default: 0
- page
- Default: pagename The current page
- description
- Override default Description. Printed as header.
- reclimit
- Default: 4
- info
- Default: false
<?plugin SiteMap page=PhpWikiDocumentation ?>
Recursively get BackLinks or links. (max. recursion level: 4):
- Help/BoxRightPlugin
- Help/CalendarListPlugin
- Help/FrameIncludePlugin
- Help/GoToPlugin
- Help/ListSubpagesPlugin
- Help/PasswordResetPlugin
- Help/RecentChangesCachedPlugin
- Help/RecentEditsPlugin
- Help/SemanticSearchPlugin
- Help/SiteMapPlugin
- Help/UserPreferencesPlugin
- HomePage
- PgsrcTranslation/zh
- Help/AddingPages
- Help/AnalyseAccessLogSqlPlugin
- Help/CalendarPlugin
- Help/ExternalSearchPlugin
- Help/LinkIcons
- Help/MagicPhpWikiURLs
- Help/MoreAboutMechanics
- Help/PagePermissions
- PgsrcTranslation
- PgsrcTranslation/de
- PgsrcTranslation/es
- PgsrcTranslation/ja
- PgsrcTranslation/nl
- PgsrcTranslation/sv
- PgsrcTranslation/zh
- PhpWikiAdministration
- PhpWikiAdministration
- PhpWikiRecentChanges
- PluginManager
- ReleaseNotes
Cuthbert Cat (cuthbertcat)